All poems reproduced here are fully copyrighted to Anne Londez, Author

*The first and last*

Hands playing my body
His violin heartrending
His touch inside
My mouth outside
And the music as a gift
Parting, I should have seen

Anne Londez - May 2010

*The little things of every nigth*

The way he looks at my body
The way he holds my breasts
The playfulness of his fingers
The urgency in his touch when he reaches inside
The stillness of his hips when I take him in
The fire in his eyes when he plays his violin

Anne Londez - May 2010

*The game I lost*

The beauty of youth
The spirit of his touch
The heat in his touch
The tenderness in his eyes
The perfect smile
Music dazzling
A private concert
Perfect lovemaking
almost: no sensations
A Phone mute
And I cry
The game I shouldn't have played
Falling in love

Anne Londez - May 2010


The little things of every day
The way you hold your coffee cup
The way you tilt your head when you look at your watch
The stillness of your hands when you hold your paper
The gruffness of your voice when you wake up
The tiny lines around your mouth
The way you smile over some secret joke
The gentleness in your eyes when you look at your son.

Anne Londez - February 2004




I need to lose myself in you
Touch your hand with my lips
And lie down on your body
A craving so profound I could cry
A physical desire that brings tears to my eyes.
You hand over my breast
Your mouth in the curve of my neck
The physical blending of two solitary souls
So beautiful and sad.

Anne Londez - February 2004

Anne Londez - Poems